Providence School is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
All gifts to Providence are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Outright Gifts & Pledges

Your gift of cash makes the most immediate impact and allows you to receive full tax benefits to the extent allowed by law. We encourage you to consider a multi-year pledge to maximize the power of your gift. Most pledges are for a three-year term, but, depending on the size of the gift, other terms can be arranged.

Shared Gifts

Shared gifts allow donors to pool their resources and make larger gifts than they might make individually. Typically given in exchange for naming rights, shared gifts provide prominent recognition to the donors.

Challenge Gifts

Donors wishing to increase the impact of their individual gifts should consider making a challenge gift. These gifts require a matching component from other donors, thereby generating two or three times the amount of the original gift. These gifts provide visibility to the original donor and allow matching donors to help generate increased support.